first essay ideas:
- identity
- my heritage/background
- being biracial
I never heard of the term code switching before. Till now. In Amy's class we were discussing code switching as something from linguistics in where you adjust your body language, personality to the language you are speaking at that moment. Because in my group there are a lot bilingual people, they discussed how they experience this. I was really intrigued by this, because I never was aware of this.

I started googling and found the specific definition:

When researching into code switching I at first came across these videos. They showed me a different perspective than from the linguistic way of code switching. This code switching was connected to being black in America. It is about code switching as a way of surviving, acceptation or a seat at the table. Looking into these video's I realized I was doing this as well and it might actually be the thing that shaped a big part of my identity.
The best video I came across was this one. It's a TedTalk spoken word by Zaire Krieger about code switching as a black woman in today's society. I actually got goosebumps listening to this. Everything she describes sounds so familiar. Everything I felt she put out there into words.